I recently listened to a small video clip my good friend April Berezay made the other day. Basically the gist of what was discussed was concepts and thoughts mankind has had in the centuries of time have ALWAYS been the same. The same desires to feel loved, accepted, or powerful and mighty have always existed. The same emotions have also always existed; Guilt has always existed. Peace has always existed. Pride has always existed, Joy, Sorrow, Pain, etc., etc., etc... The mind is infinite. And the same pattern of what you think and feel has been happening with countless others for centuries. What thoughts we carry and mole over determine not only where we are at this very moment in life, but where they will lead us in the future. How then, should the thoughts we make place for, be ones that are of upmost importance! Shifts in thoughts do happen and should happen. But are we willing to put in the work to shift to a higher plain? Or do we shift down because that feels more comfortable? Do we settle for what we know and think because we're too afraid? The scriptures are replete with stories about those who kept or didn't keep their thoughts and actions aligned with God's. Where did the thoughts of some take them? Do we really think we are so superior as to have a different law of this universe given to us? When you think about the eternal perspective, without the same universal laws we are currently living under now; what thoughts and emotions will we think and feel? I can't yet imagine so great a blessing that will be.
Elder Neil A. Maxwell said, (and I am not quoting) Just because you have a thought, doesn't mean you have to give it a seat. Our thoughts are so powerful indeed that sometimes they can literally control whether we get out of bed or not. Whether we want to interview for a job or not. Whether we apply to college or not. To get married or not. To have kids or not. To accept all that the prophet says, or not. To believe the scriptures were written for us, or not. Concepts and thought can keep us trapped, even if its NOT what we really truly want to be. Given time to meditate to find truth, you will realize even these simple thoughts can and DO determine destiny. So what thoughts could you shift? Who would you be without some of the thoughts you have? What thoughts are holding you back? Where are thoughts coming from? The Holy Ghost? Satan? What emotions will you be able to let go of once you change your thoughts? And more importantly what thoughts and emotions will you gain if you let go of others?
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