Sunday, September 20, 2015


So, I posted a picture on Facebook last night that actually made me step back and think a little deeper. It was, in nature a sarcastic one, simply stating, "She is like the white crayon in the box. Desperate for attention." When I first read it I literally laughed out loud. If you are familiar enough with the forum of all social media, then you know exactly why this is funny. I worried a tad about offending people. I'm absolutely sure I have. It wasn't directed at any one person to be honest. But it does apply to, I think, almost all of Facebook or other social media users. MYSELF included. It sometimes seems the wave of desperation comes at high tide each and every day with no relief. This has got my mind thinking. Have we become so consumed with ourselves that we need to validate every decision we make on a social media websites? Can you remember the days when that wasn't the case? I can. I remember we depended on family, friends, and more importantly the Lord for our validation. Sure you can say my family and friends are on social media and they are the ones whose posts you are looking for and spending time "stalking". But then we all know you'd be lying. You have hundreds of people on sites that you probably met once or don't even know. When you get the 20, 70+ likes on your "desperate" post, admit it. You feel better. You might even spend time seeing which of those 70+ people liked your post. The feeling that whatever you posted was deemed good enough is what you want so desperately. Yet another form of instant-gratification to making us superficially feel loved. Even if subconsciously. When was the last time you felt that overwhelming desire on a daily or hourly basis for the Lords approval and validation? These sites aren't evil in and of themselves. They don't scream at you that this is probably a bad waste of time or a horrible way to divulge the most intimate parts of your life - all the time. It isn't that I think people are bad for posting or using them. Heaven knows I have had my fair share of those. So often I come across articles or quotes that I need that day. I may even share them hoping to brighten someone else's day. I know we all have those thoughts and desires as well. I find nothing wrong about that. However, what if I thought about or heaven forbid, pray about, someone I could share that quote or article with over the phone or in person! Or what if I am missing out on helping someone in need because I was too busy worrying about how many people will "like" my post. More importantly, I miss the opportunity to communicate with the Lord and see who and how He would have me help someone in need. Asking myself these questions has made me dig deeper into the chambers of my soul. Where does my desire for validation really come from? And what are my actions of that need for validation proving? That I am addicted to social media? Or that I am confident in the Lords approval of me and therefore don't need to spend my waking hours wondering what else is out there.  The Lord has it all. All the best quotes you could ever search for. All the love and concern the Holy Ghost can offer is through Jesus Christ only. I am beginning, in the very least, to reconsider where my actions are showing there devotion.

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